Transformers Restoration: Yellowed G1 Ultra Magnus fix attempt with Peroxide

My childhood Magnus was one of my favourite Transformers, he spent many years on display, sometimes on window ledges and therefore he is ultra yellowed. I would never replace it with even the mintyest Magnus, but I have to finally concede he needs some work to look good on display. First off I needed some…

Transformers Review: Reveal The Shield Perceptor

Everyone’s favourite bumbling Autobot Scientist, or sharp calculated killer in the IDW verse, gets a brand new mould in the Transformers: Reveal The Shield range. In robot mode Perceptor is clearly a homage to the original toy, the colours in particular are very close, and he is instantly recognisable as the character. I had the…

Transformers Restoration: G1 Metroplex Broken Waist Fix

Finally I fixed my childhood Metroplex. Something I have been meaning to do for a long time, and my dad failed to do back in 1990. He is only one of the (probable) 500,000 broken waist-ed “Metroplexi” in the wild, and I thought this might come in handy for other people who have fallen foul…

Transformers Review: Takara Masterpiece MP-09 Rodimus Prime

Probably the most anticipated Transformers Masterpiece ever, Rodimus Prime\ Hot Rod has now received the most nerd rage since “The Phantom Menace” with his release by Takara. Here are my thoughts and review on the figure I received. I was never bought a Rodimus Prime as a kid, or have I ever collected one as…

Transformers Review: KO G1 Devastator

Here is my find from “The Range” store in the UK. As you can see it is not the high Quality KO release, but a more compact cheaper version. £3.49, not overly cheap, but I’d had a really bad morning at work and I wanted something to tide me over until I get my final…

Transformers Review: 2010 Takara G1 Unicron

I had been waiting for this guy for a long time, maybe even 26 years, but finally he arrived and here is the 2010 Takara G1 Unicron in all his glory! First thing to mention is that I have never previously owned this mold, not in it’s Armada or Energon form, which I could have…

Transformers in retro Argos Catalogues

I used to spend hours drooling over Argos catalogues as a kid and now I remember why! Oh and check out how cheap they all are. So lets start at the peak: 1986 Argos Catalogue Transformers Section Star piece: Combiner gifts sets for £22! Mistransformation special: Extra Tall Superion Gangster gun pose: Menasaur 1984 Argos…

K.O. Transformers Mirage Comparison

Like with my previous Sunstreaker review, I hope that people find this useful when trying to find out if their loose G1 Transformer Mirage is K.O. or original Hasbro\Takara Generation 1. I’d like to say I don’t have any particular axe to grind regarding these reproductions, I just don’t like people getting scammed! Mirage has…

K.O. Transformers Sunstreaker Comparison

(14/01/14 Updated with thanks to Specimen-17 and Jim for comments) Right, I have had my hands on this guy for a while and I know a lot of people have bought him unaware that he is a KO. So here is a quick comparison to help you spot if that ebay loose Sunstreaker is original…